Anima Hereticae

Anima Hereticae

SOURCE – Tell me about the latest single, Cimmerian Darkness.

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – Cimmerian Darkness is a self reflective journey in form of a melodic death metal song. I don’t usually write lyrics from my own experiences. I am more a friend of a fiction when it comes to my own lyrics. Now however it felt like there was darkness that needed to be channeled somewhere. The composition follows the same principal as our debut EP. Taneli makes songs that are epic and brutal. Beautiful and sad. Hopeful and full of despair. The song is also is a first introduction to our upcoming, first album.

SOURCE – As many bands in the metal industry appear to be releasing more and more singles rather than just albums, do you plan on going that route, as well?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – I see why bands do that. When you release and album once in two or three years you only get the hype for a few months. By releasing constantly you stay on and apoear on the ‘feed’. We are not that calculative but yes, we are married to the streaming platforms and social media. So we are releasing albums and before the album multiple singles. As bands have done in the past also. But not just singles and never albums. Album still has a great ring to it. Something that has a story, a journey. People just should make albums more meaningful to make them righfully exist.

SOURCE – What can you tell us regarding the video shoot for Cimmerian Darkness? Was this an obvious choice from the EP to make a visual clip for, and were there any specific surprises, challenges, or funny stories that took place during the making of the video?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – We live visuals. We are a visual band full of visual people. Visuals are not extra but part of the experience. We are making a video for every song of the album. Bold, yes but doable. Our drummer Teppo Ristola has a video production company and he made the video. We were in a bit of a rush and there was ilness and setbacks. However we got it done just before the release. Jussi Matilainen of Where is My Bible became the actor by accident but fit the role perfectly. Funny story is grown up men running in the forest with a camera and black cube. But it cane out great and a artpiece of it’s own.

SOURCE – Do you believe social media channels and platforms like Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify etc. have helped give independent bands like yourselves a better chance for gaining an international following?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – No doubt about it. I started my bands when myspace first came out. It still however lacked the full social media potential. In the past labels used to be everything. And they still are important but in different way. There is so much music coming out and it’s easier to make it than ever. Quality is a different thing. It is very hard to stick and stand out. It’s not the channels themselves that are the dealbreaker. You have to have consistency in what you are making. A facebook post or ten is not gonna make or break you. It is the story and the relationship you form with the audiance. The bond you create. And it’s not a rabbit but a turtle race.

SOURCE – In a time where streaming and digital consumption of music is more the norm than owning physical releases, do you believe that great artwork is still crucially important for albums?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – Artwork, videos, merchandise, social media posts they all matter and how they fit together. I don’t think album artwork as it’s own piece of art but how it fits the whole bands visual puzzle. I love artwork, i love old vinyls with big artwork. I want to think that it matters to someone. And with video you can make the album artwork come alive!

SOURCE – What’s planned following the release of Cimmerian Darkness?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – There is going to be a single coming out in late April. It’s more brutal song.

SOURCE – With making a living at music seemingly becoming more and more difficult, what steps do you believe should be taken to make things better financially for musicians?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – I would say making a living out of music has always been difficult. However nowadays you have even better chance to make it on your own. Sell your own music, art, merch… There is no way everyone is gonna make a living with the art they are making. None of us in the band are. For us it’s therapy and a escape from the 9-5 world.

SOURCE – Is there anything else you have going on you would like to mention?

Ville Rutanen (Vocals, Bass) – Subscribe to our channels on social media and stay tuned for our upcoming releases! Stay metal and stay brutal!


Anima Hereticae
