

SOURCE – Cursebinder started in 2019 – tell us about the formation of this band, and did you know straight away the style of rock you wanted to develop or did things develop organically over time?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – Indeed, we started in 2019 with 3 of us, Łukasz bass guitar, Marek drums, and Hubert guitars. We always intended to keep the intensity, strong rhythms and heavy sound of our previous projects as a foundation, while this time leaving room for more was an option. We all have influences that go far beyond black, doom and post metal and perhaps somehow wished to make and hear music that rolls all these crazy ideas into one; following in this vein it is the core tenet of Cursebinder. Sometime later Maciej joined, and his unique vocals and work on synths gave our sound the hauntingly vivid and colorful edges that worked out very well.

SOURCE – What should the fans expect of this new album Drifting and how would you describe it to the fans that have not listened to it yet?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – We bring together a lot of different rhythms and melodic ideas rooted in extreme metal and drown it with buckets of our very own CB atmosphere, with post-psychedelic strands and humanistic, current-day lyrical explorations on top. As a result, a lot is going on and mixing and production of Przemysław Nowak at Impressive Art enabled us to really shape it down into a deep, textured sound that can be revisited and is closer to what we go for live.

SOURCE – Are you perhaps preparing some new video for the promotion of Drifting, can you tell us something about it?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – Currently, we have no plans regarding any music video, but we’re pretty sure that it can happen in the future, more like with our next album. We never stopped composing new music, and as soon as we’ll figure out something interesting, pieces we would be proud to share, then yeah, we’ll consider a music video for sure!

SOURCE – What are your thoughts on the Poland music community – as it seems to have developed its own distinct flavor and characteristics?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – It has been insane so far, with a number of great established metal bands (Mgła, Decapitated, Furia) that laid the groundwork as well as different older and newer projects that twist the genre with increasing artistry. We follow it with curiosity and are also obviously inspired by it.

SOURCE – How important do you believe instant communication technology and social media platforms have been to the growth of your fanbase on a global scale? Do you enjoy the fan interaction through these mediums beyond building the brand of the band through live shows/touring?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – The impact of this technology is immense. We are old enough to remember analog times. Making psychedelic metal music on somewhat DIY terms is pretty underground, so the recent addition of social media can massively increase the odds of reaching new people interested in the music and followers, get exposure and attention which helps in all sorts of ways. While we embrace technology for all its functions in promotion and production, and because it seems to be here to stay, we make note in our music but also in everyday life that it should never become solely a rock to hide under. We are fully intent on playing live shows and releasing vinyl as long as we have ideas and there are people getting something out of it.

SOURCE – What does success mean to you personally? Has that definition changed from the early days you learned your craft to today?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – Our album was released around one month ago. At the very beginning, we didn’t expect such good reception of our debut. Now we can see many people sharing and listening to our music worldwide – and this is what success means to us! Being able to bring joy and somehow interest our listeners. When we started, the definition of success meant something different, something we haven’t yet discovered. Now, we are eager to develop and desired to make much more people aware.

SOURCE – How does Poland, as an immediate neighbour, view the war in Ukraine? What impact has this conflict had on Poland?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – We are against pointless conflicts ruining millions of lives in the utmost sense. As a country, we do our best to help our neighbors during this terrible time. This war has to end.

SOURCE – What are your goals and aspirations for the future of Cursebinder?

Hubert Fudała (Guitars) – It depends on what kind of future we’re talking about. Our short-term goals are definitely: promoting our album and playing as many shows as possible. It is great to see the live shows back after some time; we love being part of that and challenging ourselves by presenting the material with energy and commitment in new environments. At the same time, we never stop writing. There is definitely a future direction where sounds could get a little bit faster and more direct, and we are excited to see where the momentum could take us. Greetings from Poland.


