Five The Hierophant

Five the Hierophant

SOURCE – How did the songwriting process for Through Aureate Void compare to your debut album Over Phlegethon?

Kali (guitars) – Hi. I think there are two things worth mentioning. Firstly it was much quicker. With Over Phlegethon we practiced and jammed a lot to get the songs ready so it was very well prepared at least in the song-structure level. With the TAV (Through Aureate Void) it was much quicker, just a handfull of jams, and there was a lot of stuff that just came up in the studio, we took bit more experimental and free path to do the album.  Secondly, the sax was arranged in quite the opposite way. What Im trying to say here is, that on put debut album sax was all improvised in the studio, one take, two takes, done. On TAV it was much more prepared and structured. So the whole result is also quite different. I was also microdosing LSD throuout the whole time I was writing the new album. By that I mean taking small doses of acid every day, just to see how that improves creativity, but not only that, also to see how it affects my thinking and behaviour in general. It was a period of a few months and I think it worked well for me and in general. I have no idea if it made any difference to the work though… 

SOURCE – What will be your strongest memory of the recording of the album?

Kali (guitars) – Well, that probably would be when we were in the studio, half the album was half done, and then the fucking lockdown happened, and we had to stop, cause the studio was closed, and the guy didnt want to any work or see anyone at that time. That was a terrible thing to do, cause we sort of lost the enthusiasm, and the momentum, and when we finally finished the recordings around one year later, it was super frustrating. Other interesting bits were some field recordings I did for the album in Aleister Crowley’s house in Sicilly, and in a temple in the Himalayas, not really of any musical value but an effirt to capture some atmosphere, some aura that adds to the feel that the album is supposed to convey…

SOURCE – How would you characterize its style/sound?

Kali (guitars) – I don’t think about it, its not important to me how one describes the music. Its not a definite genre. If I had to say, I would probably describe it as influenced by black/doom, ambient with saxophone. I don’t really agree with people using the description ‘jazz’ in regards to our music. We don’t play jazz. We play metal, mostly, with saxophone. Really, we are nowhere near jazz when it comes to music structure, but its the sax sound that makes people make that connection. Still, I dont really care that much.

SOURCE – Covid-19 has impacted so many bands in such a negative way, but it sounds like you guys tried to make the best of a bad situation by recording this record.

Kali (guitars) – Yeah, hum, well like I said the situation was bad, as we had this unforseen interruption. I am certain the album would be better if we didnt have spanner thrown into our gears. So we did make the most of it, but I wouldn’t necessarily be too keen on replaying that scenario.

SOURCE – Now a lot of artists seem to be taking this time to start writing new material in their spare time. Has any of that begun with you or are any other ideas floating around for what lies ahead?

Kali (guitars) – I’m not sure if I understand you correctly, but yes we have been using the excess of free time to make new music and we have plenty of great ideas for new album already. I also just recorded a new album with my other band, so its been quite prodictive lately.

SOURCE – Live streaming of concerts has been very popular during the pandemic. Is this something you think will continue in the future in addition to touring, to help reach more places and fans?

Kali (guitars) – Personally I don’t like that idea. Live show is something special. You cannot recreate the feeling in a stream or video. You cannot smell the burning incense or feel the vibratiions shaking your body, its not the same. I am all for making a video, and such, but its a separate thing, and can never replace the live experience.

SOURCE – What’s the status of the next Five The Hierophant album?

Kali (guitars) – Its pretty much written, and hopefully we’ll record it this year. It will be once again different from the other ones and I think you ll be surprised. We also have this project we are doing for Roadburn festival, we are doing a speciall collaboration set with Wyatt E, from Belgium. Its going to be one of a kind.

SOURCE – Thanks again for taking some time to speak with me, and once again congratulations on the album, is there anything else you’d like to add?

Kali (guitars) – Thanx for your support, Keep up great job with the magazine, all the best!


Five the Hierophant
