Ghost Iris

Ghost Iris

SOURCE – Blind World is the latest full-length album. Can you provide us some details on the songwriting and recording sessions, were there any surprises, highlights, or challenges that had to be worked through, and how do you feel about the overall outcome this many months out?

Jesper (Vocals) – Song writing is usually done in the rehearsal space. Nicklas (guitarist/composer) brings a general outline of a song and then the rest of us bring our flavour to the mix.

There’s always surprises along the way. This time around we actually wrote an entire song in the studio itself.

SOURCE – Nowadays in every album the person responsible for the sound production is strongly mentioned especially when he is a known one. How important do you think is the producer to the sound of a band?

Jesper (Vocals) – The producer/engineer is of course highly important. Often times, bands tend to, like you mention, high light who produced the album – I think this is acts as a quality stamp. You know that if Joey Sturgis produced something, that it is going to sound MASSIVE. Put the producers name out there is also a great marketing trick. Some people will automatically listen to a record, if a certain producer was involved.

SOURCE – Which is more important in music – being intentionally novel and innovative or being consistent?

Jesper (Vocals) – I’m gonna have to go with consistency. By constantly writing music and pushing it out there, you’re going to cover a lot of grounds and therefore in the end make some really good and perhaps even innovative music.

SOURCE – Is there any difference in how you are treated by national media compared to foreign media?

Jesper (Vocals) – Denmark is always a great country, but our niche genre is, well, niche. The media tend to focus on more “mainstream” type of metal.

SOURCE – How much trouble do you have with day jobs conflicting with touring and general band responsibilities?

Jesper (Vocals) – Problems always arise. But I usually put it like this: if you REALLY WANT IT, you’re gonna do everything you can to make it happen. No excuses.

SOURCE – What has been the biggest obstacle to over come as a band from starting out to where you are now?

Jesper (Vocals) – Parting ways with a member 14 days before our very first UK tour.

SOURCE – In Brazil there’s much fans listening your kind of music. What do you know about the Brazil?

Jesper (Vocals) – I know that the Brazilians have always listened to a lot of metal, but I didn’t know they liked core/djent genres that much? When I think Brazil I think Sepultura 😉

SOURCE – Thank you so much for your time, we hope your new album smashes all the records. Thank you very much, it was my pleasure!

Jesper (Vocals) – No, no, it was MY pleasure!


Ghost Iris
