

SOURCE – How do you feel that Medeia has changed and grown with each new release up to Xenosis?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Our stories have gained a lot more depth with each passing album, hopefully the same thing has happened to our music. We’ve tried to upgrade our approach with every release, starting from fast, moving onward to heavy, then more melodic and now carefully blending everything together.

SOURCE – Could you talk about the importance of the lyrical content in Medeia’s music – what do you feel the impact is of having some depth to extreme metal from the lyrical perspective?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Lyrics are a huge part of Medeia and I’ve spent a lot of time writing them. Essentially Medeia’s lyrics are like a book; a story we’ve been working on since the beginning. For now our new album “Xenosis”, which acts as a prologue and an epilogue to our album trilogy (Quantum Holocaust: World Domination, Cult, Abandon All) is the final chapter of that book, so it goes without saying that the lyrical content holds great value for us. When written with dedication and heart, lyrics can bring a massive amount of depth to any song.

SOURCE – How was the video shoot for Insectia?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Perfect and painful, but definitely worth the trouble. We spent months planning the video and had an extremely hectic day shooting it since we did everything in one day. We partially ran out of daylight during the shoot which is why it appears that the video ends in night time. Gladly that actually fits the video and the song/album theme perfectly, so some good luck there. The film and the make-up crew were super professional, and it was a real pleasure to work with them. Koju Film Company – who shot the video – are actually responsible for our biggest video to date, Abandon All.

SOURCE – What are some misconceptions or mistakes that you maybe made in your career that you would love to see younger musicians avoid or put serious thought into to save them trouble or heartache?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Our career is full of up’s and down’s, pretty hard to say which could have been avoided. Perhaps one key thing is do not step off the gas if you got things going your way. Many of the band’s we’ve toured with have worked for years and years to get where they’re at now, these things take time.

SOURCE – Given the fact that Finland is considered a prime center for metal support with its long history of bands, venues, touring opportunities and festivals small and large – how much of a challenge is it to make a mark in the scene compared to the legacy acts or bands from other countries?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – I’d say nothing worth having comes without a great deal of work, the competition is fierce. In our case though, we’re not driven by getting as big as possible, we’re simply in this because we love doing just the kind of music we do. We do strive on live performance however and want to share that with as many people as we can.

SOURCE – What are your goals for the band at this point in your life – what do you want to accomplish with it?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Only one thing: keep making music that fulfills the band’s internal criteria, which is not an easy task by any means. Maybe we dream about making a few songs that will withstand time very well and remain in the hearts of our listeners. I guess on some level we want to share everything that this music makes us feel, because everything about it is very meaningful to us.

SOURCE – What sort of activities or hobbies do you like to pursue away from music when you have the free time and energy to do so?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Everybody does some sort of sports, life on stage would be very hard without supporting physical activity. There’s hockey, running, skiing, gym, biking and BJJ of course. I guess most of us read quite a lot, too. Nerdy people.

SOURCE – Anything you wish to add to conclude this interview?

Samuli Peltola (Guitars, Vocals) – Would love to visit Brazil! Hopefully someday we will. Other than that, thanks for the interview! Check out our new album Xenosis and all the cool music videos that came out with it. Obrigado!

