SOURCE – Let’s talk about the new album, II: Frailty. What inspired the album’s name and what are some of its central themes?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – The album title is about the frailty of the condition of life, how easily it can be swept away. Lynn wrote all the lyrics so I think she is a little more qualified to talk about more of the themes, but she did mention to me that a lot of the concepts she wrote about are found in Buddhism.

SOURCE – How are the decisions made regarding what songs to premiere as singles? Is it a group effort between the band, the label, and management?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – We basically decided which songs and then the label would offer some suggestions if they thought another track might be more suitable. But the whole process is very amicable and everyone is open to suggestions!

SOURCE – What will be your strongest memory of working on this album with Devin Townsend?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – Watching him mix in real time on our many zoom meetings together and just chatting with him, he’s truly one of the sweetest cats there is.

SOURCE – What are your goals and expectations for the album?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – The goal was to create an album that surprised us yet again and we achieved that. Beyond that there are no expectations, we can’t dictate anyone to like the album, but of course we hope people will like it! So far the response has been really great and we are grateful for that.

SOURCE – You filmed three videos for the album. What was your favorite shoot?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – I like them all for different reasons, so I can’t say I have a particular favorite… of course Devin being in the Purge video is super cool!

SOURCE – Do you think things like live concert streams that people did during the pandemic will continue? It seems like a good way to reach fans in places you’re not able to travel to.

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – It’s a possibility for sure! We recently recorded video of Lynn singing live on two tracks which will be released soon!

SOURCE – You’ve lived in China for several years now. What was the biggest adjustment in emigrating, and how long did it take you to feel it was ‘home’?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – Probably about two years later I started to feel kind of like home. I have so many great friends here, they are like family to me.

SOURCE – How do you maintain the balance between your musical activities and your business responsibilities when it comes to your career? Is it important to foster solid relationships with people you trust to accomplish what you want to achieve this deep into your career?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – Of course fostering good relationships and trust with people is very important. I will say making a career as a musician is not easy, I’ve been doing this now for many years and it takes a lot of work and energy. I think the common thing all musicians will face at some point is that you need to find a balance in your lifestyle. If you work too much you can get burnt out physically and mentally, especially as you get older. So it’s important to take breaks when you can, and try your best to find a balance, which sometimes is not easy to do! But if you love what you do and hold the course for the long haul, the work usually finds a way to reward you spiritually which makes it worth it.

SOURCE – Lastly is there anything else you would like to add or share with us?

Anthony Vanacore (Drums) – Thank you for your interest in OU and for supporting us!! I remember when the first album came out you reached out as well which is very much appreciated. Hope to see you out there one of these days!


