Pissing Razors

Pissing Razors

SOURCE – The last and sixth Pissing Razors studio record is Evolution. Given the fact that the band has been together for over 25 years, do you still get the same energy and thrill making a studio record these days compared to the early 90’s efforts – and where do you see the new record sitting in the catalog of albums?

Eddy Garcia (drums) – I believe we are back to our roots and the original chemistry of the band, which is exciting! As writing new material comes naturally, but with more experience and wisdom! On that note the new material, I believe will be the best we have done.

SOURCE – How important do you think are singles and EPs in this era in comparison to full length releases?

Matt Lynch (guitars) – Attention spans seem to be much more momentary from an overall fan perspective and budgets are tighter for artists looking to cut full length efforts, whether you’re on a label or not. Singles and EPs are a plus for artists looking to maintain relevance and a short burst of musical presence with their fan base. It definitely worked for us with ‘Crushing Grip’ and ‘Left for Dead’. That said, we are still firm believers in full album efforts over singles.

SOURCE – You’ve given fans a taste of what’s to come with from your new record with your latest singles – Crushing Grip and Left for Dead, but if you could summarize the new era for Pissing Razors in one word, what would it be?

Matt Lynch (guitars) – Integrity

SOURCE – What was it like recording the video for Left for Dead?

Geo Gomez (bass) – The filming of “LEFT FOR DEAD” was our first actual video so it was by all means a great thing for us. We had a terrific videographer which made the filming process a breeze. There were some memorable moments such as almost slipping off the edge of the mountain and getting stuck in the sand. We even at one point had gunfire echoing from around the corner where someone was having a target session. Can’t wait to begin the next one for upcoming new release.

SOURCE – In a time where streaming and digital consumption of music is more the norm than owning physical releases, do you believe that great artwork is still crucially important for albums?

Matt Lynch (guitars) – Most Definitely. Speaking personally, I’ve always been intrigued with the full album experience where the music ties into the cover with hidden gem visuals, lyric sheets, credits, and insights into the making of the effort. Bands like Iron Maiden, Slayer, and Metallica mastered this approach and it made for a complete experience diving into these and other artists releases. Something we see much less of these days in music.

SOURCE – What are your views on the protests and police strife that are happening in the US in the wake of dealing with this pandemic as well? Do you believe this is a bigger symptom of what hasn’t been fully dealt with in our society for a long time?

Eddy Garcia (drums) – I love my country, but there have been many things wrong here for a long time…racial prejudice… the legal system.. the prison system… just to name a few…I definitely believe it is a bigger symptom of many problems here and people do not have a proper outlet or way of going about correcting these problems… hence the rioting, which by no means do I condone… We should start by holding our lawmakers accountable for the same laws we have to live by… no incumbents allowed anymore… just to start.

SOURCE – Do you see possible long-term implications in the metal music industry due to this prolonged break from live show activities – and how do you think we will recover from this?

Eddy Garcia (drums) – We will recover from this but it will never be the same…as we have seen already, live streaming shows will be a normal thing… and it will have to be more creative to keep people watching.

SOURCE – What do you have planned for the rest of the year? I know it’s a bit of a big question right now.

Geo Gomez (bass) – As for plans for the rest of the year, we will be concentrating on finishing up the new record. We’ll also be focusing on any ideas and plans on how everything will be affected by this pandemic. We’ll keep ourselves updated as to when shows will commence, planning live stage shows, and the best way to market ourselves with this modern day technology.


Pissing Razors
