Carnal Forge

Carnal Forge

SOURCE – Your new album Gun To Mouth Salvation has got a very good feedback right when it comes out. Everybody loves it.

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – Yes. Its been really amazing.

SOURCE – Do you think about that people are expecting a lot from you when you write new music?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – I think soo. It would feel wrong on doing something that wasent sounding like CF. Then again i dont even know if that would be possible. We write our music the we want it to sound.

SOURCE – How have you progressed as musicians? The new album Gun To Mouth Salvation is kind of different from the previous one but everyone can still hear that it’s Carnal Forge and not some other band. How do you manage to be different but authentic?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – That’s nothing that we plan in advance. We just make music that we enjoy. I guess that through the years you evolve on playing your instrument and we have also mattured and stop thinking on stuff like speed and how everyone else want CF to sound.

SOURCE – I would like you now to choose one of the tracks from the new album and tell me the story behind it.

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – Parasites. That song is abouth how some people just parasites on your live. There are certain kind of people that just sucks energi from you. Then what the songs means to you i couldent say. Everyone has to make their own oppinion about what it means to you

SOURCE – It is hard to be extreme metal band nowadays. What is it that pushing you forward to continue to create music?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – We just love making music. I guess thats the way it always will be.

SOURCE – What is the most challenging thing of making music for you?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – Music has always been easy for us to do. The hard thing about making music is to not sound the same all the time.

SOURCE – Is there something you wanted to say about the new album that I haven’t asked about?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – Not really. We are finally back and we are here to stay for many years to come.

SOURCE – Anything you wish to add to conclude this interview?

Jari Kuusisto (Guitars) – Thanx alot for showing intresst in ours. Hope to se you on the road. Cheers!

Carnal Forge


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