
SOURCE – Since this is your first interview for Source. Can you introduce the band and tell us how it all got started.

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – We are FOES, from Sunriver, Oregon. A four piece Metal, Chaotic Hardcore, Grind (and probably a hundred other sub-genre tags) band who has been together for about six years. This project was, initially, just a musical outlet for Sonny Daniels and myself (Garrett Judkins), something that we played around with to pass the time between our pursuit of technical death metal finger wizardry and our day jobs. But after our first few releases, bringing other members into the fold and building a small loyal fan base, FOES has become sort of a powerful independent machine that is moving whether we like it or not (note: we love it).

SOURCE – You have a new record American Violence. How do you feel about the tunes on this new record?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – American Violence is a short, intense offering that showcases the improvements we’ve made from our previous release, NOD. I feel that the album in general hits on several topics that are extremely relevant today, even more so than when we wrote these tunes (around two years ago for most of them). The musical tone of the album is heavy and aggressive, not meant to be over the top or groundbreaking, but meant to be digested over and over, all the while ruminating on both the uplifting and depressing topics brought to light by our vocalist Micah Berry. Several times I’ve heard, “there’s everything, a little something for everyone” from fans explaining what they like about American Violence, and I haven’t found a better way to sum it up yet.

SOURCE – Do you normally read and care about what the critics writes about you in the papers and on the Internet?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – Read, yes. Care, debatable. To be clear all of our reviews or write-ups have been all positive experiences for us, which we all love to see and share with our family, friends and fans. Every now and then over the years there have only been a few negative comments, which we are easily able to brush off as we know how hard we have worked to even have make it this far (which honestly, isn’t very far). FOES has never been about pleasing others or writing to any formula. In fact, one of the many acronyms we like to use for our name is F@&k Off Eat Sh!t, fitting for a band with unwavering resolve to explore self expression through violent music.

SOURCE – Have you filmed any videos for this new CD – American Violence?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – Yes, we’re actually sitting on three videos for this E.P., two full music videos (from Linzey Rae of the Anchor and her Daydream Collective, as well as Chandler Price at 12th Street Media) and a guitar/bass play through also filmed by Chandler P. The first video shows live footage mashed up from our short stint on the ‘Denim Diaper Daddies’ tour with Steaksauce Mustache through Oregon and Washington. In our second video we wanted a bit more of a vibe, with scenes that were thought out and story-boarded. This was an excellent learning experience for us, from scouting the location, scheduling the crew, and finding just the right props. So, look forward to some new exciting content from the FOES bros coming very soon!

SOURCE – Since the Internet makes life easier for people living far away from each other: did you guys actually rehearse the songs during the song writing process or did you send each other digital music files?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – Writing the music for this record was basically comprised of Sonny and I grinding away in our jam space together, this is how all the music is made in FOES. We’re lucky enough to have had great musicians (some forced to play bass) who are capable of anything we throw at them (more or less), making practice/rehearsal via CD/MP3 and a practice amp the most convenient method when we can’t all be together. All of this was and is still done mostly together in our small room, which I think allows us to take an ‘old school’ approach for writing while still utilizing the technology of today for practicing.

SOURCE – Do you believe social media has leveled the playing field for an independent band like yourselves to compete against all of the label product and international bands out there? What’s the pros and cons with the internet music wise do you think?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – For FOES, social media has given us a platform to share our music and feelings with whoever cares to listen which is as much as we could possibly ask of any fan. I don’t think it entirely levels the playing field however, as everything is profit driven in the music industry and lets be honest, if you’re not playing arenas and huge sold out shows then your band probably doesn’t rake in the duckets from online streaming either. We’re just regular dudes who are trying to make something for (and of?) ourselves so we do what we can with what we have, as most bands at our level must do to stay afloat and also be able to share their music with the world.

It’s like they say though, ‘it’s all who you know,’ and thus far we’ve been fortunate enough to have met some wonderful people both out on the road and on social media who have been very supportive of our venture. I think the internet and streaming is a grim thing if you’re trying to make money off music, but it is a great tool/method for music listeners (which we all are) to explore their tastes and find great underground music with ease. You just have to sift out the gold in a sea of meh.

SOURCE – How do you think the current economic slump is affecting the band?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – We’re currently in the stages of going through the COVID-19 pandemic which has basically shut down all touring for musical acts around the world, unfortunately this means our March and April tour planned around the release of American Violence have been cancelled.

It’s a big bummer, we (as I’m sure many others) were very much looking forward to getting back on the road, to share ourselves and what we’ve made with new and old friends. Nonetheless, we take everything in stride and appreciate every small opportunity because things in life are so often fleeting. During this time we plan on hunkering down, staying safe with our loved ones, practicing, and (if shelter-in-place orders don’t hinder us) recording the next round of tracks sooner than previously planned! But in the mean time, we would like to ask our fans to stop by our bandcamp (new merch up by April 1st!) or to shop around and pre-order the 10″ vinyl or grab one of our shirts/hats if you can spare the funds in these trying times to support your FOESBROS.

SOURCE – As musicians how do you feel about fans who download your music for free-instead of buying your CD?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – To those who can’t afford music streaming platforms or who download our stuff, shoot I hope they listen to it and like it. But then in my mind, the right thing to do if it’s something you enjoyed or continue to enjoy, you should try to pick up something online from the band and/or see them live and stop by the merch table. It’s just proper metal etiquette. All in all, support your friends and families who are doing things they love for the right reasons. Thank you so much.

SOURCE – Thanks for taking the time to allow me to interview you. Do you have any final words for the people at home?

Garrett Judkins (Drumms) – Yeah, I just want to thank you for reaching out and asking some great questions. To our old fans and the new ones out there, come check us out online @foesfosho on all social media platforms for now (you can come see us when the world gets better) and listen to our new single ‘TURNAROUND KING’ over at

Look out for the American Violence E.P. dropping April 17th and stay safe out there everyone.




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