Frantic Amber

Frantic Amber

SOURCE – What was the goal of Bellatrix was there anything specific that you and the band wanted to accomplish?

Frantic Amber – We definitely wanted to push ourselves to the maximum of our abilities and create something unique and solid. The direction of the sound went to the harder side of the line since “Burning Insight” pretty quick and we were all loving it! We have evolved a lot in our musical skills which we believe is truly evident to hear on “Bellatrix”.

SOURCE –  Any tracks that you are particularly proud of this time around?

Frantic Amber – Actually we are extremely proud of all of the songs! We worked so hard on all of them and we have squeezed out everything we could. Each song has its own context and feel to it as well as being part of the overall concept.

SOURCE – Tell us about the video shoot for Joshitai – and how important do you believe the visual medium is in the social media platform in comparison to your early days when video channels seemed to have more of an impact for bands to gain attention?

Frantic Amber – Jōshitai is actually filmed entirely by ourselves at home in the living room with our own greenscreen. Elizabeth was too tall to stand and be covered by the green screen so she was sitting down on a chair during the entire recording. We had three mobile phone cameras for filming but we ended up only using one of them. Some takes later we had all the footage – including some slow motion shots also with our mobiles. We sent all this to the lyric video maker and voila! We are very much a “do it yourself” band and always strive to find creative solutions that we can get far with on a very limited budget.

SOURCE – Do you think the video medium has been one of the best breakthroughs for the band because of the time, effort, and the visual medium lending itself very well to the music you deliver?

Frantic Amber – We definitely believe it helps! Music videos are another channel of creativity and something we enjoy doing. Visuals are great for showcasing the band and giving fans another piece of the pie we are baking. 

SOURCE – What is Frantic Amber to you, now that you’ve completed three albums with them? How do you kind of define what Frantic Amber is?

Frantic Amber – Frantic Amber is the result of us as individuals put together to blend our differences, ideas and talents together in a big cooking pot and create something we can be proud of showing the world. First and foremost we are a live band, that is why we are still here, we love traveling together and going up on stage to express ourselves and share our excitement for metal music with our fans and familiars. With the addition of new members, we’ve grown musically with their input.

SOURCE – What’s your take on female comradery in heavy metal music?

Frantic Amber – As far as we’ve seen so far it’s been quite good. Some rare incidents has felt like there is some sort of competition but most of the time there is a sense of sisterhood. More and more females are joining the metal scene both on stage and in the crowd and it has become much more “normal” which is a good thing! 

SOURCE – What sort of hobbies, interests, or activities do you like to participate in away from music? And how do you balance out the music with having a career and spending time with friends, families, or significant others?

Frantic Amber – Apart from the band we all have other interests as well as trying our best to balance other aspects of our lives as you mention in the question. Sometimes this proves to be a challenge since the band takes up most of our spare time but we do our best to balance it all. For example Elizabeth dances ballet  and does modeling under the alias “Zenith Black”, Milla has three horses and the black metal band “Nårdegeist”, Mio is into motorcycles and martial arts, Madde is studying programming and Mac has spiders and other critters.

SOURCE – What’s next for the band over the next year or so?

Frantic Amber – We are planning and booking shows to promote Bellatrix and hopefully soon go on a longer tour overseas! Two more music videos are in our pipeline as well and will be released in the new year. We also have plans to add a lot more content on our youtube channel during 2020.


Frantic Amber


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