

SOURCE – I wanted to start things off by asking about the new album 1692 you have out. What were the actual changes that you tried to bring forth on this record?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – I think we just really tried to build on what we have already done. More vocal stacking, more tone stacking. All the stacking!

We also wanted to continue pushing non-traditional song arrangements. We do have to be aware of the length of the songs to fit on vinyl, but we let the songs arrange themselves however they saw fit.

SOURCE – What are some of the goals you set for yourselves with this album?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – On the technical side, we aimed to have a much stronger understanding and clearer vision of how to use tones, whether that’s vocals, guitar, or the mix as a whole. We spent a lot of time mixing each song. Some of the songs took weeks, but that’s all part of the process.

SOURCE – As the first taste of the band for most people, what do you feel stands out about the track/video for Gods of No Faith?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – We thought it was a strong song that highlights our current use of tone stacking and dynamics for both vocals and instrumentation. We love the addition of Jason’s vocals. He has an amazing voice and is a true professional.

Gwyn thought of the walking in and out of scene for the video, kind of introducing each aspect of the song separately. Frank Cavanaugh (Ex Filter bassist)played stunt double for Jason’s parts, and the field we filmed in is owned by Frank’s cousin.

SOURCE – There’s been a very grandiose scope for the last few videos. What do you look for when you are making a video for a song? How important are the visual aspects?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – For us the visuals are extremely important! We want our videos to be an immersive experience. We produce them ourselves, and we put as much effort into our videos as we do our music. Gwyn usually comes up with a general concept for the video and then we figure out how that translates into visuals.

SOURCE – Given the subject matter and themes with the album, what are some of your concerns with the world of today?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – It’s difficult not to be alarmed by the leadership of the US. We do our best to keep politics out of our music, but you can’t really ignore the bully mentality that is prevalent currently.

Gwyn wanted the album to make you feel like there was a safe place to be open and vulnerable among all the noise.

SOURCE – What are your thoughts about Spotify and the whole fact that you can stream? Now everybody is putting their record out there a week before streaming it online on like iTunes.

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – I think Spotify has it’s place. in a perfect world, the artist would make the majority of money, but we all go into this with our eyes open. Streaming and videos cast a wide net, and expose more people to your music. It’s up to the listeners whether they support the artist by buying their album or t shirt, or go to their shows.

SOURCE – What types of hobbies, activities, or interests do the members of Frayle have away from the music that they use to recharge their batteries and renew their personal energy so to speak? And how do you
balance the work/life/family activities with the band?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – Gwyn loves to design clothing and jewelry. We have a basement full of fabric and sewing machines, and she loves to spend time down there making all manner of things. She has a website “” where you can buy her jewelry.

Gwyn Strang (Vocals) – Sean spends most of his free time staring at his guitar rigs and also playing them. He’s getting more and more interested in video production & lighting, so that’s taking up a lot of his time and money lately. Because we are family, the band is an extension of that, and it’s a way to have a creative outlet together.

SOURCE – What’s next for Frayle?

Sean Bilovecky (Guitars) – We’ve already started working on the next album and we have a track on the upcoming Women of Doom album (available March 27.) We’re working on securing booking agents in the US & Europe so that we can get on the road and support the new record a.s.a.p.




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