

SOURCE – Volume II has really been creating a buzz within the rock world and getting great reviews and write-ups. How does that make you feel?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – We are incredibly proud of this record, so of course it’s been awesome and humbling to see that other people are into it. We are all very thankful for all the nice words people have written about these songs, it’s a pretty great feeling, especially as everything else around us seems to be crumbling apart.

SOURCE – Could you give the readers three reasons why they should buy Volume II?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – The riffs-Hyborian is and always will be primarily a riff based band, and Volume II is no exception. We try to make sure that there is no filler in any song, so if you like big, catchy, propulsive riffs, we made this record for you.

The story-Volume II is a concept record that follows the story line of a novel I wrote that came out last May, The Traveller: A Hyborian Tale. It’s an origin story for our main character The Traveller, that is set in the final days of the universe’s existence. It’s a weird mash-up of low fantasy and pulp sci-fi, and the record follows the story front to back. You can pick that novel up here:


The cover art-The painting for the cover is something I’m personally just blown away by. It’s a mixed media painting (oil and airbrush) done by a ridiculously talent fellow named Ettore del Vigo. I highly recommend checking out his work, it’s all incredible.

SOURCE – Nowadays in every album the person responsible for the sound production is strongly mentioned especially when he is a known one. How important do you think is the producer to the sound of a band?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – Josh Barber is basically is genius. We are first and foremost a live band, so it was really important to us that the rawness and urgency of our live show come through on the record. I’m not sure how he did it, but I really think he captured that feeling with this recording. He is basically a fourth member of the band at this point.

SOURCE – What are your thoughts on the underground music scene domestically versus internationally? If you had the ability to change anything, what would you consider changing and why?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – We are a fairly new band still, so we haven’t had the opportunity yet to tour outside North America. I can say that the underground metal scene here in the US and Canada is vibrant and very much alive. I’m sure we are all ready for this pandemic to be over so we can start touring and going to shows again.

SOURCE – Has downloading negatively impacted Volume II?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – With everything that is going on, bands aren’t able to tour. So streaming and mp3 downloads are one of the big ways we can get music into people’s hands. Of course we would love it if you could go to our bandcamp or the Season of Mist online store and order a hard copy, but the streaming and mp3 downloads help too.

SOURCE – Do you believe social media has levelled the playing field for an independent band like yourselves to compete against all of the label product and international bands out there?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – I guess we aren’t really and independent band any more, now that we have signed with Season of Mist, but social media is definitely a big part of how we have gotten our name out there and promoted things like tours and record releases. I’m not the biggest user of social media platforms in my personal life, but for the band it has been absolutely crucial.

SOURCE – Do you have a day job, or are you able to make a living playing music? Has the economy and declining music industry affected the band personally?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – Previous to all the pandemic shut-downs, I worked as an audio engineer when we were home from tour. That being said, with all concert venues being shut down right now, I’m delivering pizza to keep the bills paid. It would be awesome to make a living playing, but with touring out of the question that’s probably not going to be happening any time soon.

SOURCE – What’s coming up for Hyborian this year?

Martin Bush (Vocals, Guitars) – Hopefully some more touring in the late summer and fall, and we are working on ways to do some live stream shows in the coming months. We are definitely looking for ways to stay active during the current crisis, so keep an eye out for what we figure out!



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