Ivy Crown

Ivy Crown

SOURCE – Take us back to the early formation of Ivy Crown – how did you develop the initial lineup and what were those early rehearsal and songwriting sessions like?

Ivy Crown – Sara and Natasja were in another band before, Taras. After Taras, Natasja and Sara formed Ivy Crown with a different singer at that time. Maria E joined as a stand in for a show, and it turned out that she was pretty awesome, so she was asked to join the band as well. At last the singer split from the band, and after tons of auditions Maria K totally overshined all the others and joined Ivy Crown. So here we are, Natasja, Sara, Maria and Maria.

SOURCE – Darkest Days is the latest Ivy Crown single Run. Tell us about the recording and songwriting sessions for this effort – and where do you see the major differences between this record and Enemy and Time Out singles?

Ivy Crown – Enemy and Time Out have a more modern rock feeling, where in Run and actually the rest of the album, we tried to mix more metalcore and experiment a bit more with heavier genre.

SOURCE – What do you see as some of the major challenges or obstacles facing Ivy Crown in order for you to move up to the next level in terms of a career?

Ivy Crown – We really wanna get more experience playing shows together. We all have experience from other bands, but this time around our set-up is kind of new for us. We want to be able to blow away our audience with the energy from the songs and do them justice.

SOURCE – Who are some of the bands that you admire or key into that you believe are good role models for the type of professionalism and consistency that you would love to achieve with Ivy Crown? And have you been able to have any personal interactions with musicians from these bands, either in person or online?

Ivy Crown – Firstly, Chris Kreutzfeldt, who plays in CABAL. He was really inspiring to work with and he helped us where we are today.

Kadeem France of the UK based band Loathe is featuring on an upcoming song of ours. He was professional and brought more to the table than we bargained for. He presented himself as a truly nice person and these kinds of people you’d definitely want to work with in the music industry.

Kim Song Sternkopf from MØL who is extremely talented and professional, and as well one of the nicest and most helpful people we’ve ever met. And he is featuring our first single.

We as well think that women like Beyoncé, Pink and Billie Eilish are great role models for younger girls and women, but we’ve never interacted with them…. yet.
And last, but not least, bands like Beartooth, Architects, Bring me the Horizon are bands we look up to and hopefully we get to play same festivals, or even better, tour with them one day!

SOURCE – What are your thoughts on the ever-evolving music industry – do you find that people still appreciate physical mediums like vinyl, CD’s, etc. or have you adapted to the consumption model where digital and streaming platforms reign supreme?

Ivy Crown – Of course streaming is convenient and everybody are using different streaming services. But there is just something about having this really cool vinyl alongside with artwork in your home. CD’s are not a thing in Denmark, so that’s kind of old fashioned here. But vinyls are huge!

SOURCE – Is the band currently working on (a much anticipated!) full-length at the moment?

Ivy Crown – Actually, we spent most of last year working on it, and finished it early this year. It’s called “Echo” and gets released in October. We’re really excited and a bit anxious to get it out there and let people hear the full album.

SOURCE – What are your views on the local metal scene in your area of Denmark? Do you think there is healthy support from the venues, followers, and bands themselves – or do certain genres and styles work better than others?

Ivy Crown – We have a small scene in Denmark, but a very dedicated one. And the quality of the Danish metal bands is skyhigh at the moment. The bands are really supporting each other, no matter which branch of the metal genre they come from, which is really encouraging for a small band like us.
The best festival in Denmark according to us is Copenhell, which is a metal festival and our dream is to play there one day.

SOURCE – Anything you wish to add to conclude this interview?

Ivy Crown – Thank you so much for having us!

Ivy Crown


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