Misery Loves Co

Misery Loves Co.

SOURCE – How did you feel your Zero album turned out – what takeaways do you have about the recording sessions and final product?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – We’re all really pleased with how the album turned out. And it does feel great to FINALLY have a new album out again – 19 years later!

SOURCE – What do you feel some of the biggest changes are for Zero compared with Misery Loves Co?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – I really think Zero is a very natural progression from Your Vison Was Never Mine to Share. But if you compare it to the self titled debut there is of course lots of differences. BUT at the same time we know were we come from and there are also similarities between the two.

SOURCE – The rock press has suitably been impressed by giving the album great reviews. How does that feel or does the press’s reaction even matter to you?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – It feels really good actually. Especially since we’ve been for so long. It does matter.

SOURCE – How do you define success – and has the outlook changed over the evolution of Misery Loves Co.?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – To us right now it is a huge success just to be able to release a new album that we feel very strongly about.

SOURCE – What’s your opinion on illegal downloading and what do you think would make people buy more music?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – At least here in Sweden illegal downloading is not a big thing as it used to be. These days everyone is enjoying their music with digital platforms like Spotify etc. So it’s not really an issue anymore. Personally I like vinyl and I’m happy to see our album being released not only on CD but also on vinyl.

SOURCE – You won a Swedish Grammy for the album, how was that whole experience?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – Surreal. At the time the Swedish Grammy Awards was a huge thing. The show was broadcasted in national television and everyone was watching. I think it had a great impact for us over here in Sweden.

SOURCE – Summer in Sweden. Better than winter in Sweden? Is drinking a required weekend activity for you during the summertime?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – Personally I prefer summertime – without a doubt. Drinking or not drinking, it’s all about the light…

SOURCE – Finally, what’s on tap for the rest of 2020?

Patrik Wiren (vocals) – Hopefully more shows and more releases! We actually put out three physical releases in 2019: a 7″ vinyl with Suburban Breakdown on one side and Would You on the Other. Limited edition, 500 copies, released by Beatbuzz Records in March. And then Universal re-released our first album on white vinyl, 500 copies in September and then, of course, a full new album ZERO in November. So hopefully 2020 will see more releases with our band name on them!

Misery Loves Co


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